Thursday, February 8, 2007

So NSO thinks I have the coolest blog and the weirdest family. Well I think I have the coolest family who enjoy being weird and silly. So today I got into the limerick game with the kids. Funny how a few lines can really make you laugh. Hope many people find this blog and play along.


Sonnjea said...

If you like writing limericks, you should make up fake definitions of words at Word Imperfect. It's fun, too!

Be thinking of a limerick for tomorrow...

Next Stop Oregon said...

Great limerick! Keep it up!

Sonnjea said...

Well, it looks like it's come to this again. RM refuses to play along unless we're inundatng her with comments. She's just a comment-monger. We'll have to start calling her CM instead of RM if she doesn't get it in gear.