Wednesday, February 7, 2007

The first time I checked my Blog it had 18 comments - now we are up to 32. Since I wasn't sure how to post until Koji"s Kitchen helped me out things have really gotten out of hand.
I've always been a source of amusement for my kids and I guess some things never change. (NSO didn't participate this time)
Thanks for all the funny comments.


Sonnjea said...

I knew the limericks would do the trick...

Hey, good job! Wasn't it fun?

Steve said...

Quite! Nice limerick, too!

Next we ought to mess with NSO. Or just pick some random innocent blogger and leave them limerick comments

Dave V said...

How the heck did we miss this!! I'm so jealous. Bravo to you two. I better start posting again...

Steve said...

Never too late to start, slowpoke...

Next Stop Oregon said...

Clearly two of your children need to find work outside of their houses!! They've got too much time to play! Okay, clearly I am just jealous! Welcome to cyberspace! Glad you finally caved to the blogging world! Now we've got another sight to keep up with! It's fun!